This page will contain the slides, notes, and example code pertaining to lecture.
- Tentative Course Schedule: See the roadmap for the semester.
Jun 24: FINAL LECTURE: What’s next?
- Slides: lecture24.pdf
- Next steps: General advice
- Important ideas we didn’t cover
- Libraries and frameworks
- Final advice
Jun 15: Modules, Middleware, Routes and Authentication
- Slides: lecture23.pdf
- Web application architecture
- Server-side rendering with Handlebars
- Single-page web app
- Modules, Middleware, Routes
- Authentication
- Web application architecture
- Code
Jun 10: MongoDB and NodeJS
- Slides: lecture22.pdf
- MongoDB and NodeJS
/ mongod- insert, find, delete, update, upsert
- Web application architecture
- Multi-page web apps (server-side rendering)
- Single-page web apps
- MongoDB and NodeJS
- Code
Jun 08: Saving data; MongoDB intro
- Slides: lecture21.pdf
- Saving data
- POST body
- Saving to a file
- MongoDB: Saving to a database
- Saving data
- Code
May 27: Back-end development: server communication and async/await
- Slides: lecture20.pdf
- Sending data to the server
- Returning JSON
: A JavaScript language feature
May 25: Back-end development: servers, nodeJS, npm and express. Part 2.
- Slides: lecture19.pdf
- Servers
- NodeJS
- npm
- Express
- fetch() to localhost
May 20: Back-end development: servers, nodeJS, npm and express. Part 1.
- Slides: lecture18.pdf
- Servers
- NodeJS
- npm
- Express
- fetch() to localhost
May 18: Interactions with D3.
- Slides: lecture17.pdf
- Interactions with D3
- Listening for click events
- Unidirectional data flow
- Selecting marks by clicking or hovering
- Capturing mouse motion to render text
- Interactions with D3
May 13: The general update pattern of D3.
- Slides: lecture16.pdf
- The general update pattern of D3
- Another view on enter, update and exit
- Animated transitions
- Object constancy
- Nested and single elements
- The general update pattern of D3
May 11: CSV files; Introduction to axes and scales.
- Slides: lecture15.pdf
- Making a bar chart with D3
- Bind CSV files to SVG shapes
- Introduction to axes and scales
- Making a bar chart with D3
May 04: Scalable Vector Graphics; Data-driven Documents lib
- Slides: lecture14.pdf
- SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
- D3: Data-driven Documents
- Selections
- Data joins
Apr 27: RESTful APIs; Fetch API; JS Event loop.
- Slides: lecture13.pdf
- Querying REST APIs
- Form submission
- Fetch API gotchas
- CORS and Closures
- Single-threaded asynchrony
- JS Event loop
- Querying REST APIs
Apr 20: Fetch API; JSON; Promises; REST API.
- Slides: lecture12.pdf
- Fetch
- Fetch in an class
- Promises
- Querying REST APIs
- Form submission
- Fetch
- Code:
Apr 15: Functional JS; Fetch API; Introduction to Promises; JSON.
- Slides: lecture11.pdf
- Callbacks
- Functional JavaScript
- Closures
- Anonymous functions
- Closures
- Loading data from files
- Fetch API
- Promises
Apr 13: Callbacks; currying; closures; anonymous functions
- Slides: lecture10.pdf
- Callbacks
- Functional JavaScript
- Closures
- Anonymous functions
- Closures
Apr 06: NO CLASS
- A1 week
Apr 08: NO CLASS
- A1 week
Apr 01: NO CLASS
- Semana Santa
Mar 30: Classes; custom events; callbacks
- Slides: lecture09.pdf
- Classes and objects in JavaScript
keyword andbind
- Custom events
- Callbacks
Mar 25: CSS animations; classes; custom events; callbacks
- Slides: lecture08.pdf
- CSS animations
- Classes and objects in JavaScript
keyword andbind
- Introduction to Custom events
- Introduction to callbacks and functional programming
Mar 23: Event propagation; casy study
- Slides: lecture07.pdf
- JS Events in detail
- Other JavaScript events
- Case Study: photo-album
- Code:
Mar 18: More DOM; case study
- Slides: lecture06.pdf
- Adding and removing elements from DOM
- Case Study: tic-tac-toe
- Traversing the DOM
- Homework 2 HW2 assigned
- Code:
Mar 16: Introduction to JavaScript; DOM and events
- Slides: lecture05.pdf
- Start JavaScript
- How to connect to HTML (
- Language tour
- Some form elements (input, textarea) and maybe how to style them
- Basic event handling
- Introducing the DOM: Document Object Model
- Start JavaScript
Mar 11: More flexbox and layout; position; Mobile web
- Slides: lecture04.pdf
- More flexbox: shrink and grow
percentage quirks:vh
- Useful
properties - Mobile CSS
- Relative sizes:
- Code:
Mar 9: CSS Box Model; Flexbox
- Slides: lecture03.pdf
- The CSS Box model
- Debugging with Chrome Inspector
- Case study: Squarespace Layout
- Flexbox
- Homework 1 HW1 assigned
Mar 4: Block vs inline; classes and ids; complex selectors
- Slides: lecture02.pdf
- Block vs inline
es andid
s- Combining selectors; cascading; inheritance
- Block vs inline guide
Mar 2: Course overview and basic HTML/CSS
- Slides: lecture01.pdf
- Syllabus and course info
- HTML and CSS basics: syntax; element selector
- Homework 0 HW0 assigned